Protect Seneca Creek by creating habitat.

  • With the Muddy Branch Alliance we offer a variety of lectures, garden tours, hands-on learning events and more to help you learn.

    Dream it.

    We offer a variety of lectures, garden tours, hands-on learning events and more to help you learn about the benefits of landscaping with native plants.

  • Native plant sale.

    Each spring we co-host a native plant sale with the Muddy Branch Alliance. Buy locally sourced native plants to create habitat. We’ll send out details in our newsletter.

  • Grow native trees.

    A simple way to reduce carbon dioxide, lower nearby temperatures, create habitat, and slow storm water runoff is to plant native trees. Each spring at the end of March we distribute 300-400 free native tree saplings. Easy to plant. For details check under “Events”.

  • Enjoy.

    Enjoy knowing you are supporting life, clean water and a healthier future.